So its been a bit since I wrote up a new note. I went today
to see Chelsea Handler it was so cool! She was gone, she is on vacation so a
fun thing the show did was have Chuy do a meet and greet! So that was really
cool! A crazy thing that happened that was too weird-I ran into an ex’s friend!
So were standing in line and the woman checking us in asks for names and stuff and
then said to us “ oh did you maybe come
in a group?” I am like “oh ya I’m sure there is a group of them I don’t know the
main person’s name though”? So awe get
it squared away, I was invited through a group, I didn’t know who was the main
group person in charge. Come to find out it was a gay softball league! Love it!
Gay baseball players with big pieces of wood I love it! SO anyway this guy
keeps telling me, I sware I have seen you before. Im like oh gosh what a creep,
than he chats with his friend “doesn’t he look familiar?” This other guy was
cute, and there laughing stating oh ya you must be running around West
Hollywood huh? I have haha but not that much really and if at all just more
recently. I have been hanging out with one of my old friends and she is so fun!
We have been hanging out going to more gay clubs and stuff. Anyway the guy
starts talking about a friend named Steven, and than his face comes to my mind!
He is the friend of the guy I used to date! Like 3 years ago? Funny thing I was
with Abi at the time too! She was with me when we met Steven and his friend. I
was like wow-this is kind of weird? Steven was cool, I will always remember
Steven… he was that baseball player.
Go figure, very funny though!
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